I've been writing online since 2018, mostly about engineering and quantitative finance. In total, I've written 7 articles on my blog. Use the search below to filter by title.
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Kelly Criterion and Optimal Betting Strategy
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Kelly is given credit for the idea of using log utility in gambling and repeated investment problems, as such it is known as the Kelly criterion.
Granger Causality and Hypothesis Testing
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This article discusses causal illusions as a form of cognitive bias and explores the use of Granger causality to detect causal structures in time series.
Black Scholes Model with Stock Simulation
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The article explores the use of geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) to simulate the price of stocks with extension to the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model.
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Granger Causality and Hypothesis Testing
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This article discusses causal illusions as a form of cognitive bias and explores the use of Granger causality to detect causal structures in time series.
Kelly Criterion and Optimal Betting Strategy
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Kelly is given credit for the idea of using log utility in gambling and repeated investment problems, as such it is known as the Kelly criterion.
Resources for Low Resource Machine Translation
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This blog post highlights a wide variety of techniques to employ when trying to create a new machine translation model for a low resource language or improve an existing baseline.
Interactive Web Apps Built with JavaScript
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This blog post highlights some of my personal projects in the past when I built interactive Web Apps using JavaScript.
Principles By Ray Dalio: Short Summary
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In Principles, Ray Dalio lays down the rules and frameworks he uses to navigate his life. The book explores truth-seeking, decision-making, and the implementation of systems to achieve success.
A Short Summary on Clean Code
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This blog post summarizes the guidelines and best practices for writing high-quality code from the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin.
Black Scholes Model with Stock Simulation
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The article explores the use of geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) to simulate the price of stocks with extension to the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model.